Monday, March 3, 2008

First Post!

So welcome all to the DESA blog. We hope you find it to your liking.
We decided to create this blog as an alternative to the website, which will allow you (the students) to be more involved in what we do. Basically, we feel that the website will now be more appropriate as a resource for tourists + other passers-by, while the blog will act as a resource for actual English students. Here you'll be able to check out what's going on with the Department during any given week. We also hope to make this a kind of medium of expression for the English Dept community.

On that note, here are some things taking place this week:

Thursday March 6th:

Tea and Poetry
Featuring readings by Professors Selkirk and Kilgour, as well as free tea and cookies!
5:30-7:00 in Arts 160

Beer and Scrabble
Play scrabble against Concordia English students (please win!!)
5:00 - 8:00 in Gerts Pub in SSMU

Nuit Blanche at McGill!
Come to the SSMU building at 10:00 pm for a night of dance, music, performances, and DESA's write-your-own-poetry station!

Also, DESA is holding a semester long raffle for a $150 gift certificate at the restaurant O' Noir (you know, the funky one where you eat in the dark...), so come out to any/all of our events to buy tickets!! 1 for $2, 3 for $5.